Monday, May 12, 2008

One guess what I tell Callia when she can't find her blanket.

As we were getting ready to take Callia to dance last week, I was looking for my keys. After several minutes, I found them. Well, I was buckling Callia into her seat and she said to me, "Oh! Mommy! Did you find your keys?"

"Yeah, I found them. They were on the computer desk."

She replied, "See. That's because you opened your eyes and looked for them."

Sigh... ;)

Cady's brain isn't perfect; it's amazing.

So, if you've been keeping up, you know my CadyBug most likely has CP. A visit to the Follow-up Clinic in February told us this. We always knew it was possible, but considering how well she appeared to be doing, we didn't think it'd be too severe.

Well, last week we saw the neurologist (the same one who in January thought Cady could likely just "be a little clumsy") and she agreed with the neonatologist from the clinic: Cady's physical impairments are "significant."

I swear this child has something to prove. After the visit in February, she started reaching for things. Her head control got just a tiny bit stronger and she finally laughed! It's like she was just waiting for a good reason to show more signs of progress.

And now, after the visit to the neurologist, she has once again made great leaps in her therapy. She now reaches more than ever before (and quite purposefully, I might add) and according to one of her therapists (occupational), her legs aren't quite as tight as they were even last week.

I shot a video of her laughing and when she watches it, she laughs some more. She found Dora the Explorer hysterical the other day and when she sees Daddy after a long day of the kids and me, her face lights up. She is truly a gift.