Sunday, July 15, 2007

I will hunt her down.

It's 2 a.m. on the day I am estimated to have this baby. It is also the day my sister swore I'd have her. Now, people always have their two cents to add about when they just "know" you are going to have the baby, but in the case of my sister, I tend to believe it as she accurately predicted both Callia and Kiefer's birthday. (Don't bother asking her where Jimmy Hoffa is; she only seems to have this knack when it comes to her big sister.) When it was so lovingly announced back on Thanksgiving that I was pregnant AGAIN (a story I will tell another time), she said July 15 popped into her head immediately. She didn't even know when I was due.

As today approached, she was more and more sure of herself. She called me several hours ago to ask if I had my bags packed. Well, duh! Of course! She commented I could have waited until then to do it. She said the hours were counting down. Now, let me make something clear here. I am typically pretty patient. I did fine waiting for Callia and Kiefer to make their grand entrances into this world. As I am CERTAIN this is our last baby, you'd think I'd just enjoy the last few days before she comes to snuggle with my current baby, enjoy Cady's kicks and just overall be one with the pregnancy glow (my ass!).

Well, instead I am dealing with a pain so excruciating, it puts labor to shame. (No, not really. How I am looking forward to it is beyond me.) The back pain, yeah, that hurts, but it's the pubic symphasis that has me down and out. Has anyone ever felt this? Holy crap! I swear, it feels like someone is taking a sledgehammer and beating the shit out of my pubic bone. I had it with my first two, though worse with Kiefer. With this pregnancy, I felt it as early as 8 weeks along. Today, the pain is much worse than anything I ever felt with Kiefer. I honestly cannot even go shopping. I went to Kohl's the other day with my mother and the kids (don't ask me what the hell I was thinking) and I sat every chance I got. The mannequins and I became quite friendly as their little platforms make a perfect place to plant my rather large preggo butt. The looks of sheer pity from passersby was more than I could bear and when we were done for the day, I told my mother I was done. I was committing myself to home confinement until D-Day. it was just too much for me to gather myself and the kids and head on out. (Of course, she laughed at me when I went to Target the next day to pick up Cal's pictures.)

I can't do anything around the house. Poor Corey worked 12 hours today (er...yesterday) and came home to a sink still full of dishes. I honestly cannot even stand there long enough to wash one fork. It's quite pathetic, really. Ok, so given all this and more, I am BEYOND ready to meet little Cadence and I have convinced myself Kerri is right and her birthday will be today (even though I always thought the 18th). It's to the point now where if I don't have her today, I will be so disappointed. I told my sister I was likely to kill her if she was wrong. She laughed. I didn't. I said, ok, just don't say I didn't warn you. She then told me if that were the case, she was avoiding me until I actually do have her (which shouldn't be too hard since I am under self-imposed home confinement now, remember?). Well, I just might have to come out of hiding to hunt down her psychic-my-ass ass.

I'm going to bed now. Pray, for her sake, Kerri was right.

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