Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's been a while...

In fact, it's been 7 months since my last post. And so, so, SO much has happened. I really wish I had been blogging all along. I think I could have used the outlet. I am going to do my best to keep up with this now that I have taken the time to finally update.

On July 20, 2007, my beautiful Cadence was finally born. It's weird and I don't quite have the words to describe what I want to say. Though hers was my easiest labor, it was the...hardest? No...that's not it. I guess stressful might work? I intend to post the story of her birth immediately following this one, so you can read it there, but to sum it up, she was born with Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. It turns out there was a knot in her cord causing her all sorts of issues, including the meconium to be released and for her to inhale it in. She was on oxygen 12 days, including an overnight intubation her first night.

She spent 5 weeks and 5 days in the NICU. While she was there, we found out the knot had done more damage than we thought - at some point it cut off the oxygen to her brain and damaged her thalamus. You can read more about that in future posts I will be adding very soon. The long story short is she is hypertonic in some areas, hypotonic in other, is fed through a g-tube (she has a disorganized suck, swallow breathe reflex and therefore aspirates on her formula) and is behind on all of hr milestones. She receives Early Intervention and so far, she is doing quite well, it seems.

As I am sure you can imagine, life has been quite hectic around these parts. But, I really wanted to get into blogging and even though I let it go all those months ago, I really want to make a sincere effort to do it right this time around. I plan on posting a few more times with some back story on Cadence, but once I do, I hope to use this blog as way of venting, sharing mine and Cady's experience with others and hopefully humor some of you with my antics as a stay-at-home mom.

So, thanks for reading! I hope to catch up to the present soon. :)

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