Sunday, March 2, 2008

Adios, Diego!

My son is many things. Funny is pretty close to the top of that list.

All three of my kids are in bed, but about a half-hour ago, I heard the toilet seat slam shut. I get up to investigate, even though I was nearly certain what was happening. Kiefer has a rotten habit of tossing things into the toilet and as I walked up the stairs, I could only imagine what I might find. Sure enough, just as I reached the top, Kiefer came running at me full steam ahead with a huge grin on his face, shouting the same "word" over and over. I knew it was one I should know, but I just couldn't make it out.

As I walked past him to the bathroom, he followed closely behind me, still shouting this incomprehensible word. I opened the seat, fully expecting to see a block, perhaps a Little People character - I don't know. Something small resting at the bottom. Oh no...I did not.

Instead, I find his talking Diego doll, floating face up. Then, he shouts it again, "Yogok!" Kiefer for Diego. (Although, I could be making that up. The actual word escapes me now, so that one will work for now.) I pick Yogok up out of the toilet and press his tummy to see if he still works. "HOLA! I'm Diego!" Kiefer's smile turns into a frown and he backs up a few feet. Too tired to deal with it, I place Diego on the counter, wash my hands and usher Kiefer out the door. Just as I am about to close it, Diego yells, "Adios!" Kiefer, all smiles again as he has realized Diego is getting left behind, does a half turn, waves to the door and says, "Adio, Yogok!"

About five minutes ago, it dawned on me. That Diego doll was sitting on the shelf near his bed. I can confidently say Kiefer got tired of the toy staring at him and decided he'd take care of him once and for all.


KK the Krazy said...

Thanks. I think I just peed my pants laughing!!!

My name is Melissa, but you can call me Missy said...

ROFL~!!! How funny. hehe~!

Unknown said...